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The Center for Health and Human Services

MHFA Instructors, Grant Staff and Advisory Board

MTSU MHFA Instructors

  • Dr. Seth Marshall is an associate professor in the psychology department at MTSU. He is a teacher, practicing psychologist, and researcher. His work as a mental health first aid instructor parallels closely with his primary professional interest, that is, taking a strength-based approach to promoting mental health.
  • Dr. Mary Beth Asbury is an Associate Professor and the Department Chair of Communication Studies at MTSU. She researches and teaches in the areas of interpersonal and health communication, focusing on weight stigma in interpersonal contexts, such as family communication and dating, and body image. Dr. Asbury is passionate about reducing the stigma regarding mental illness by helping others share their stories and experiences.
  • Dr. Deborah Lee is the NHC Chair of Excellence in Nursing. She has worked in a variety of health care roles and settings throughout her career. Her roles have spanned working as a hospital and home care nurse, researcher, university professor, public health professional and health care administrator in the U.S. and Canada. Dr. Lee teaches communication skills and motivational interviewing techniques. She conceived of, and leads, the MTSU Positive Aging Consortium. She is a national board-certified health and wellness coach, an instructor in the Health & Well-being Coaching programs at Duke Integrative Medicine, and serves as a mentor instructor in the coaching programs at Vanderbilt and Meharry Medical College.


  • MTSU MHFA Principal Investigator and Director, MTSU Center for Health and Human Services (CHHS): Dr. Cynthia Chafin, MCHES ®, NBC-HWC is the Principal Investigator for the Mental Health First Aid project and serves as the MTSU Center for Health and Human Services Director. Ms. Chafin has been with CHHS as a project director since 2002 and has a lengthy history in public health having worked for and with the state health department along with multiple local, state, and national non-profit and community-based organizations as a volunteer, project director, and consultant.
  • MTSU MHFA Program Coordinator and instructor: Linda Williams began her career in the 1980s, as an ASL interpreter at Dallas Baptist University and project coordinator for Deaf Action Center in Dallas, Texas.  After graduating, she moved to Memphis, to work with adolescents who were not able to live at home and their families.  She then moved to Middle Tennessee and owned a small business while raising her three children. When the time was right, Linda completed her graduate degree in Mental Health Counseling and began her second career in Behavioral and Public Health.  She has worked with adults with substance use disorders and trauma, and has served as front line counselor, clinical director and, finally, executive director at several in-patient behavioral health facilities.
  • Linda joined the team at the Center for Health and Human Services at MTSU in 2018 to serve as grant manager for the Mental Health Awareness Training grant. After a 3-year break, she was able to return to that role in November 2024.  The mission of improving the health and well-being of Tennesseans is near to her heart.  Data shows us that young adults benefit from better mental health support, and this grant has great potential for moving the needle of the mental health experience for college students, here at MTSU and at the universities who have joined us in this mission.
  • MTSU MHFA Program Evaluator:  Michelle Sterlingshires M.A. serves as CHHS Evaluator which includes the MHFA Project. Yes, she would like to see your snazzy spreadsheet.
  • 2019-2021 MTSU MHFA Program Coordinator and instructor:

MTSU Pilot Project MHFA Advisory Board 2019-2021

During the pilot project, an advisory board was critical to the success of the project launch and provided guidance during the 2019-2021 implementation years of the initial SAMHSA funded project. When the project received additional funding in January 2023, the stage was set for a successful project. While there is no advisory board for the 2023-2026 project, feedback is always welcomed from the campus community.

  • Mary Kaye Anderson is the Director of MTSU Counseling & Testing Services.
  • Vickie Harden is an assistant professor in the Department of Social Work. She has extensive experience in community behavioral health. Her research focus is related to rural health disparities, particularly related to mental health and addiction.
  • Lisa Schrader is a Health Educator through MTSU Student Health Services. She provides programming and consultation to MTSU student groups on a variety of health topics. She also supervises Health Services’ peer education group, and the Raider Health Corps.
  • Robin Lee is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and faculty member in the Professional Counseling program at Middle Tennessee State University, specializing in clinical mental health counseling. She serves as the Director of the MTSU Center for Counseling and Psychological Services and serves as the Professional Counseling Program Coordinator.
  • Hilary Miller is Director of the Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center and is an active member of the Murfreesboro and Middle Tennessee State University communities. Her primary professional focus is helping military-connected students make the transition into college.
  • William Langston is a professor in the psychology department. He also serves as Academic Advisor for MTSU Lambda Association (MTSU’s only all-inclusive LGBTQ+ student organization and the oldest continuously active LGBTQ+ student organization in Tennessee). Dr. Langston is also a Safe Zone trainer for MTSU.

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